
Pastors & Staff

Doug Jones

Senior Pastor

Pastor Doug joined First Baptist Harrah in May of 2012. He grew up in Colorado and previously served 7 years as a senior pastor in Woodland Park, CO. Doug graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University and he also holds a Doctor of Ministry degree (D.Min.) from Gateway Baptist Seminary. His passion is to lead people to saving faith in Jesus Christ and help them to grow as His followers. Doug married Carla in 2000 and they have three young children, Andrew, Ella, and Brooke. He loves to spend time with family, read, work on the house, and visit over coffee. One of the first verses he memorized is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your path straight.” 

Brian Cloud

Worship Pastor

Brian Cloud joined First Baptist Harrah in October of 2014. He grew up in Del City and graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University with a degree in Church Music and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as worship pastor in Choctaw, Okemah, Pauls Valley and Houston. He is married to Kara Cloud and has two children, Pierce and Kaia. He enjoys Scottish cultural events, technology, science fiction, and going to OU and Thunder Games! His goal is to glorify God by leading others to worship Him. One of his favorite verses is found in Ephesians 5:19-20, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." 

Tim Thomsen

Student Pastor

Tim joined First Baptist Harrah in August of 2021. Tim grew up in Midwest City, Oklahoma where he and his family attended Country Estates Baptist Church. It was during high school that he surrendered his life to follow Jesus completely and a few years later surrendered to the Gospel Call to go into ministry. He graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University with a B.S. in Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning and a Minor in Youth Ministry. Tim has served as a bi-vocational and vocational minister as well as time within sports and recreation. He married his best friend from junior high and high school, Kathryn in 2018 and they have two wonderful boys. Tim enjoys most sports, but is partial to the true football (soccer) and doing things with his hands like wood working or DIY projects. 

Carla Jones

Preschool Director

Carla joined the staff of First Baptist Harrah as Preschool Director in June of 2024. 

Rachelle Pearce

Little Roots Preschool Ministry Director

Rachelle Pearce began attending First Baptist Church Harrah when she moved to Harrah in July 2020 with her husband, Rustin, and their two children, Raegan and Ramsey.  Rachelle went to school at Oklahoma State studying Psychology with the intention or pursuing a Maters in Psychology to become a therapist but after college those plans change. Rachelle went on to pursue an MBA and went in Human Resources for 15 years.  This past year Rachelle decided she wanted a career change and decided to apply for a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy at Oklahoma Baptist University.  During this time the Little Roots Leader position because available and Rachelle decided it would be the perfect opportunity to work with families while going to school.  

Elizabeth Cole

Little Roots Preschool Ministry Assistant Team Leader

Elizabeth Cole grew up in Wellston, Oklahoma and gave her life to Christ at
age fourteen while attending Falls Creek Youth Camp. She has been attending
First Baptist, Harrah since 2014 where she has served in the
Women’s, Preschool, and Children’s Ministries. Her favorite hobbies are
cooking, cleaning, sewing, and crafting. Elizabeth and her husband, Lecil,
have been married for twenty years and have four children: Josiah, Isaiah,
Ada, and Clara. She homeschools her children and has a passion for
learning. She has been involved in Children’s Ministry since 2007 where
she has served in Sunday School, Children’s Church, AWANA, Mother’s
Day Out, and Vacation Bible School. Elizabeth rejoices in seeing children
gain a foundation in the Lord and grow in Him.

Denise Wolfe

Ministry Assistant

Denise Wolfe joined the staff of First Baptist Harrah in October 1992. In all she has been a church secretary in OK and TX for 39 years. She moved to Harrah in 1968 where she graduated from Harrah High School. She also attended Oklahoma Baptist University. Denise and her husband, Troy, serve faithfully in volunteer ministries at the church. She has served in student ministry for 41 years. Her passion is to see youth awaken to the realities of faith in Christ. One of her favorite passages is found in Jeremiah 29:12-13, "Then you will call upon me and come and pray with me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” 

Regina Wright

Financial Secretary

Regina Wright joined the staff of First Baptist Harrah in 2012.

Marivel Davis


Marivel Davis joined the staff of First Baptist Harrah in 2020.