NAMB Week of Prayer, Day 5
Denver, Colorado
There are hundreds of stories about missionaries leaving America to share the gospel in Africa. But Alayu and Yegile Dubale have a story about what happened when they traveled in the opposite direction.
It began in 2015, when the Dubales left their village in Ethiopia and moved to Denver, Colorado.
“In Africa, I was traveling village to village planting churches,” says Alayu. “But when I arrived here and saw all the Ethiopians, people who’d never heard the name ‘Jesus,’ not even once, I knew I had to use every opportunity to draw people living here to Christ.”
There are almost 50,000 Ethiopians in Denver. Many work multiple jobs to make ends meet, and for Alayu, that makes church planting here more difficult than in Ethiopia.
“In Africa, you can gather people anywhere, anytime. But here, you have to search for them because they’re so busy,” says Alayu. “I was aggressive in finding them, and we prayed, and we came together. Now, we’re planting Ethiopian Gospel Believers Church and sending out to plant even more.”
Pray for:
• Encounters that will turn into witnessing opportunities.
• A more suitable building where Alayu’s church can meet and do ministry.
• God to grow not just Alayu’s church plant, but the two additional works they’ve launched.
Denver, Colorado
There are hundreds of stories about missionaries leaving America to share the gospel in Africa. But Alayu and Yegile Dubale have a story about what happened when they traveled in the opposite direction.
It began in 2015, when the Dubales left their village in Ethiopia and moved to Denver, Colorado.
“In Africa, I was traveling village to village planting churches,” says Alayu. “But when I arrived here and saw all the Ethiopians, people who’d never heard the name ‘Jesus,’ not even once, I knew I had to use every opportunity to draw people living here to Christ.”
There are almost 50,000 Ethiopians in Denver. Many work multiple jobs to make ends meet, and for Alayu, that makes church planting here more difficult than in Ethiopia.
“In Africa, you can gather people anywhere, anytime. But here, you have to search for them because they’re so busy,” says Alayu. “I was aggressive in finding them, and we prayed, and we came together. Now, we’re planting Ethiopian Gospel Believers Church and sending out to plant even more.”
Pray for:
• Encounters that will turn into witnessing opportunities.
• A more suitable building where Alayu’s church can meet and do ministry.
• God to grow not just Alayu’s church plant, but the two additional works they’ve launched.