What to Expect on Your First Visit

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Welcome to First Baptist Harrah's Children's Ministry, where young hearts and minds are embraced with open arms and big smiles! We are thrilled to have each and every one of our precious children join us on this incredible journey of faith, learning, and friendship. Our dedicated team of caring volunteers is committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where your children can explore their spirituality, build lasting connections, and discover the beauty of God's love. Through engaging activities, inspiring teachings, and a whole lot of fun, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and help our little ones grow in their faith. So, come on in, little adventurers, and let's embark on this marvelous adventure together!


Checking in your children at First Baptist Harrah is a simple and streamlined process designed to ensure their safety and comfort while attending our various programs and events. Upon arrival, head to the dedicated Children's Ministry Check-In area, conveniently located near the main entrance. Our friendly and attentive team of volunteers will be there to assist you every step of the way. If it's your first time visiting, we'll kindly ask you to provide some basic information about your child to create a secure profile. For subsequent visits, you can easily access their profile with a quick scan of your unique family ID. Once checked in, your child will receive a nametag with a unique code, and you'll receive a matching parent tag, ensuring only authorized individuals can pick them up. We prioritize safety above all else, so rest assured that your children are in good hands while they embark on exciting and enriching experiences with us at First Baptist Harrah.

Class Information and Schedule

Our Children's Ministry at First Baptist Harrah is filled with exciting activities and enriching classes that cater to children of all ages. Our schedule is thoughtfully crafted to provide a well-rounded experience for your little ones. On Sunday mornings, we offer age-appropriate classes during our worship service, where children can engage in fun, interactive Bible lessons that help them grow in their faith. Throughout the week, we host a variety of programs, including midweek gatherings that focus on developing character, creativity, and teamwork through games, crafts, and storytelling. Additionally, our dedicated team of teachers and volunteers ensure a safe and nurturing environment for your children to thrive. We also organize special events, such as holiday celebrations and community outreach projects, fostering a sense of camaraderie and compassion among our young members. At First Baptist Harrah, we are committed to helping your children build a strong foundation in their faith and equipping them with the tools they need to navigate life with confidence and kindness.

Check Out

At First Baptist Harrah, we prioritize the safety and well-being of all children in our care, and our check-out procedures are designed with that in mind. When you come to pick up your child, simply proceed to the Children's Ministry Check-Out area, located conveniently near the entrance. Our dedicated team will greet you warmly and request your parent tag for verification purposes. This tag will match the unique code on your child's nametag, ensuring only authorized individuals can pick them up. Once the match is confirmed, your child will be released into your care. If you happen to misplace your parent tag, don't worry; we have a secure verification process in place to ensure the safety of all children. At First Baptist Harrah, we take check-out procedures seriously to create a secure and comfortable environment for your children, allowing you to have peace of mind while they participate in our enriching programs and events.